Prostate Cancer Rehabilitation
Did you know that 1 in 7 men end up having prostate cancer sometime in their life?
Unfortunately, prostate cancer surgery can result in some (embarrassing) side effects, including (but not limited to):
- Bladder leakage
- Loss of erectile function
- Loss of penile length
- Frequent urination at night
- Pelvic and lower abdominal pain
Scheduled for Prostate Cancer surgery (prostatectomy)? Perhaps you are curious about your post operative male anatomy changes.
Watch this video to learn how pelvic floor physio can help prevent or combat surgical side effects:
Radiation therapy, another form of Prostate Cancer treatment, can also result in similar side effects months or years down the road.
Radiation fibrosis can be a large reason behind these symptoms affecting the pelvic floor due to the decreased elasticity and function of the surrounding tissues.
We also treat Nocturia (frequent nighttime peeing). Click here to read more about the causes, symptoms, and management of Nocturia.
At our clinic, we have helped thousands of men regain control of these symptoms and get back to living normally again! We would be thrilled to have you take this rehabilitative step and return to the activities you love.
For more information, watch the video below about how to manage bladder leakage and ED following prostate cancer treatments.
Prostate Pro! Fitness Program
Prostate cancer is common and treatments like surgery and radiation can cause physical and emotional challenges. Our fitness program, tailored for men with prostate cancer, aims to address these issues, improve quality of life, and support recovery.